Episode 48: Kim Wiggington - A Masterpiece in the Hands of the Master

Golden Nuggets from Kim:

  1. “The created owes everything to the Creator!”

  2. We can be poor financially yet so rich in love and faith.

  3. Just like an etch-a-sketch, we are limited and can only make “squares and stairs” but God, as Creator, created us each a beautiful masterpiece.

  4. Give the Lord control of the driver's seat of life.

  5. Remember that a parents faith is contagious.

  6. His Word defines our identity and directs our destiny.

  7. Only God, as creator and designer, has the authority to create, design and give identity.

  8. God’s Word is His love story to us as His beloved bride.

  9. Be a LOVER (WHO as identity) of God’s Word but also a DOER (DO as destiny).

  10. He specializes in taking our messes and creating our masterpieces.

  11. Our “dark places” bring depth, dimension and perspective to the masterpiece and message of our lives.

  12. He uses our TEST to develop our testimony!

  13. God sees that whole picture of our lives when we only see a little piece.

  14. We become His trustworthy bride by trusting HIM.

  15. He CAN DO (Phil 4:19) when we think we can’t do.

  16. God can HIT THE MARK even with a crooked stick!

  17. We need to know our value as God’s masterpiece…as His work of art that is valued at the price that He paid for it…His only SON died because we are worth it. Read about the work of art, “Salvator Mundi” HERE.

  18. Walk in a humble yet holy confidence of your value!!!!!

  19. As His creation, we are signed by our master Artist….with His own nail-pierced hands.

  20. Unveil the ART in you to bring HIM the glory! 2 Corinthians 3:18

    Connect with Kim at www.heartofwomanhood.org

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Roxanne Parks



Karna Atkinson



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*The Hidden Jewels Podcast is produced by Karna Atkinson and Owen Atkinson


Episode 49: Marlene Dickinson - God Owns the Stage


Episode 47: MIchelle Rahn - Run to Jesus Faster