Episode 46: Judy Russell - Elbows on the Table and Lean In

Golden Nuggets from Judy:

  1. People connect more easily while sitting around a table.

  2. Conversations connect through sharing ideas and thoughts.

  3. When entertaining, keep it simple and save your energy for your guests.

  4. Judy has a heart to gather people to foster relationships.

  5. People are more likely to bear their souls in conversations at the table.

  6. God's faithfulness over-arches all of the Christ followers' life.

  7. Good friendships take work and effort but are worth it. In order to have a friend you must be willing to be a friend.

  8. Being friendly is an easy kindness to offer all! It starts with a smile and hello.

  9. Hard work is a missing ingredient in today’s world.

    Judy's Book- Elbows on the Table: Simple Ways to Make Gathering Fun⁠

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Roxanne Parks



Karna Atkinson



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*The Hidden Jewels Podcast is produced by Karna Atkinson and Owen Atkinson


Episode 47: MIchelle Rahn - Run to Jesus Faster


Episode 45: Roxanne and Karna - Navigating Transitions