Episode 32: Cindy Conant - Face to Face with Jesus

Golden Nuggets from Cindy: 

  1. “The Holy Spirit “is a gentleman” and wants to be invited into speak.”

  2. Her crystal clear defining moment…..“I am perfecting you by allowing you to be a mother.” This word gave context, and solid ground, to her busy parenting days.

  3. We have a greater inheritance in the Lord than just to live overwhelmed!

  4. Knowing our children and gifted to us as an assignment seems to make the mundane HOLY!

  5. The spirit of perfection is not to “be perfect” but it is accepting His kind invitation to the fullness of our identity in Christ which He died to give us.

  6. God uses those things that seem the “easiest for us” to produce our greatest fruits. Likely our areas of calling and gifting.

  7. He says my YOKE is easy and light. EASE is a marker and heaviness is an indicator. If life is a huge struggle, step back and evaluate.

  8. “It is not what you do right…it is just what you do!”…..do the next right thing.

  9. When we are sitting “everyday …next to Him…Face-to-face” then comparison, anxiety, depression etc must bow at the feet of Jesus!

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Roxanne Parks



Karna Atkinson



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*The Hidden Jewels Podcast is produced by Owen Atkinson


Episode 33: Cindy Conant (part 2)- At the Feet of Jesus


Episode 31: Susan Shewbridge - Remembering Singin’ Mama...Take God at His Word!