Episode 42: Sherry Sivret - PTSD and the Healing Journey

Golden Nuggets from Sherry:

  1. God know the deep desires of our hearts.

  2. Influenced by watching her Grandmother read her Bible daily and journal.

  3. God is always at the end of the connective piece of rope between us.

  4. He knocks at the door of our hearts and is always there, waiting and available.

  5. PSTD and survivor guilt impacted her husband (received purple heart) and their marriage.

  6. We often worry more when “not knowing”, and would rather just hear the truth to start sorting it out.

  7. With serious PSTD, we all need counselors to help with wisdom to build a bridge through healing. You cannot do it on your own. Invite God into the healing journey.

  8. We have to love more and greater through difficult circumstances. Love is so healing.

  9. Be grateful….focus on what you DO have and not on what you DON’T have.

  10. Life is deeper and richer when you let go and live with OPEN HANDS.

  11. Always pray for strength of heart, courage and inspiration. This will lead you to less worry.

  12. Lean not on your own understanding but in all things acknowledge Him and He will  make the path straight. (Prov 3:5-6)

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Roxanne Parks



Karna Atkinson



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*The Hidden Jewels Podcast is produced by Karna Atkinson and Owen Atkinson


Episode 43: Delma Rivera Lytle- Grace for the Misfit


Episode 41: Esmeralda Ybarra Hetrick - Mourning brings intimacy with God